Providing NHS services
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A. It was hard to find new Partners and keep the small Practices running. By merging, we could share management and spend more on permanent medical staff.
We received over £600,000 in extra funding for roles such as,
Now, we have a full complement of GPs per patient, more than most other practices.
By working together, we have been able to share and offer more services to our patients, such as:
A: Patients fed back to us that they liked the online system but wanted it available more often. Anima lets everyone submit a request online, or via a receptionist by phone or in person. It’s available online from 7am.
All requests are reviewed by a GP, who will respond within 24 hours. Instead of first come, first served, GPs now direct patients to what they need first. You might see a GP, pharmacist, paramedic, or nurse.
Yes, you can still call or walk in, and the receptionist will fill out the Anima form for you. For blood tests, you can book directly online or by calling reception, without using Anima.
One patient asked about how we plan our clinical team. Data from Anima helps us see what patients are presenting with. This information will assist us in future planning. Such as deciding on the types of appointments to offer and the number of clinicians needed.
A: We offer home visits for those who need them. A GP, paramedic, or nurse might come, depending on what's needed. Home visits take clinical time away from the surgery. so we try to only do them for those who need them most.
A: Yes, we can give the MMR vaccine to anyone who hasn’t had two doses. Recently, we gave it to a 90-year-old. Our nurses give many vaccines, starting from 8 weeks old. We’ve given many vaccines at River Lodge surgery during the week and on Saturdays.
A: We have a great dementia support team. The team comprises GPs, nurses, paramedics, social prescribers, and care coordinators. They help with diagnosis and care for people with dementia and their families. Contact our Social Prescribing Lead, Julie Barnett, for more info.
A: Our HCA's and Nurses, can check your blood pressure and book you for an NHS Health Check if you’re eligible. We can refer you for weight management or smoking cessation with ONE YOU.
Our Community Pharmacists can also help with minor ailments and common conditions.
A: All patients have a named GP, but we prioritise continuity for the most complex patients. If you’re usually healthy, you’ll see the first available clinician. For ongoing conditions, we try to ensure you see your named GP.
All patients can have a face-to-face appointment if needed.
A: The first stage of planning has been successful. Some issues are being resolved with the Highways Department. We understand this is likely to be by the end of summer.
After that, a specific application for the first phase of the project will be submitted.
We hope that the healthcare hub build will be finalised and ready for us to move into in about three years.
This new hub will replace outdated buildings and let us co-locate our teams. We look forward to the opportunities this will bring.
A: Yes, more so when we first launched. While the number of calls has dropped, the length of each call has increased a bit. We hope more people will use the online Anima option, freeing up phone lines for those who need them.
Remember, there’s a call back option so you don’t have to wait on hold.
A: Our goal is to prioritise patients based on how urgent their needs are. We also want patients with ongoing conditions to see the same person. This is how our current booking system works.
Right now, our GPs review each patient request. They decide who needs urgent care and what action to take. They direct patients to the right person for their care.
Patients get an appointment through their Anima account. Sometimes, they may get a call. If the time they offer isn't good, the patient needs to request a new time through Anima or by calling.
In the future, we want to give patients more choice to book their own appointments. We are working on offering booking links to patients through their Anima account or by SMS. These will be offered after the GP has reviewed the request. Options may include choice of date, time and healthcare professional.
A: We do about 400 blood tests a week, but 15% of patients don’t show up for their appointments. If they cancel ahead of time, we could offer the slot to someone else. We plan to let patients cancel appointments via text in the future.