Mental Health and Wellbeing: Suicide Prevention

Suicidal Feelings

Suicide is the act of intentionally taking your own life.

Suicidal feelings can mean having abstract thoughts about ending your life or feeling that people would be better off without you. Or it can mean thinking about methods of suicide or making clear plans to take your own life.

If you are feeling suicidal, you might be scared or confused by these feelings. You may find the feelings overwhelming.

But you are not alone. Many people think about suicide at some point in their lifetime.

The following services are available to help you if you are dealing with suicidal thoughts. They provide ideas you can try to help you through a crisis, and offer advice on how you can stay safe and can direct you to further support.



If something is troubling you, call Samaritans free, 24hours a day, 365 days a year.

Free Phone: 116 123

Their nearest branch to Lewes is the Brighton, Hove & District branch.

T: 0300 094 5717
A: Dubary House, Newtown Road (Nr Hove Park Villas) Hove, BN3 6AE

Preventing Suicide in Sussex Website

Their suicide prevention support and advice is aimed at Men in Sussex. Raising awareness and aiming to remove the stigma around Men needing or seeking help. They offer guidance to concerned family and friends on what warning signs to look out for.



A small, Brighton based charity with a simple but powerful goal: that no one should have to contemplate suicide alone.

They aim to create safe spaces in communities for Real Talk about suicide. Supporting people to develop the skills and confidence needed to save lives.



Grassroots Suicide Prevention - #Stay Alive app

The app is totally free to users and offers help and support both to people with thoughts of suicide and to people concerned about someone else. Most of the content is viewable offline, and parts of the app can be customised by the user to suit their personal needs.

The App Includes:

•  A safety plan with customisable reasons for living
•  A LifeBox where you can store photos and memories that are important to you
•  Strategies for staying safe and tips on how to stay grounded when you’re feeling overwhelmed
•  Guided-breathing exercises and an interactive Wellness Plan




Call 01273 480888 or Submit a request online via Anima

to receive help and support from our Mental Health & Wellbeing Team

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