MSK Physiotherapy

Self referral MSK Physiotherapy

If you are 16 or over and registered to a GP in Sussex, you could be eligible to self-refer to the MSK Physiotherapy service for a range of muscle and joint problems, including back/neck pain, joint pains, strains and sprains.

Individuals can self-refer by completing the online form available at Sussex MSK Partnership East

Once the form is completed a copy of the document is securely emailed to the MSK Physiotherapy administration team who will process them in date order, along with any traditional referrals.

Contact will be made with you following receipt of your referral to arrange an assessment with one of their physiotherapists, or to request further information, as necessary.


Physiotherapy at Foundry

Our First Contact Practitioners are physiotherapists with expertise in musculoskeletal (MSK) problems. You can see them if you have any problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or joints, any sports injuries, arthritis or spinal pain.

They will assess you and diagnose what is happening, give expert advice on how best to manage your condition, along with exercise if needed. If necessary, they will refer you on to specialist services for investigation or treatment.


Antonio Delnegro

First Contact Physiotherapist

Silvia Rodriguez

First Contact Physiotherapist

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