Providing NHS services
Easy access at Foundry: Make a new request Click here to learn more Click here to see how it works
Before submitting your registration please check that the address you are registering with is within our catchment area. You can do this by using the postcode search facility in the interactive map below.
We can only accept patients within this area. If your address is outside of this area you can search for your nearest GP here.
Make sure you have checked your address is within our catchment area. (see Practice Boundary)
Please select the appropriate link below to complete our online registration form.
If you need to register others at the same address make sure to send us a form for each person.
If preferred, you can request a printed form by visiting our practice sites. Or you can print from home using the link provided.
Once we have confirmed your registration we recommend you sign up for the following digital platforms:
For sending online medical and admin requests to our Foundry Care Team
Best for prescriptions, booking routine blood tests & viewing test results
Offering further support to assist you in taking control of your health with ease
We know not everyone can use these services. Contacting us via telephone is still possible. Our phone lines are open 8:30am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday. Call us on 01273 480888, listen to the options available and select the right one for you.
There are two ways you can choose not to share your GP data for planning and research:
Stop your GP data being shared outside your GP practice for planning and research.
Stop your health data being used across the entire NHS for planning and research.
Before making a decision, visit the NHS Digital website and read our Privacy Notice.
If you're visiting from out of the area and need medical care, here's what to do:
See if they can help you over the phone.
Visit an Urgent Treatment Centre, a local pharmacy or call 111 for minor issues.
Call our team and we will guide you through the next steps.
To use our services, you need to fill out a Temporary Registration form. You can get a form at our practice or print it using the link. Email the completed form to
As a Temporary Patient you will:
• stay registered with your own GP while receiving care from us.
• be registered with us temporarily for between 14 days to 3 months.
• need to re-register if you need care for longer.
Note: You cannot register as a temporary patient if you are already registered at Foundry. GP practices do not have to accept temporary patients. But they must offer emergency treatment.
Congratulations! We know this is a busy time for you, so we have made registering your new baby with us as simple as possible.
Simply select the appropriate link below to complete our online registration form.
New Parent and Baby Health Check
Once registered, you and your new baby will be offered an appointment with one of our GPs. Following NHS guidance this should be around 6 to 8 weeks after the birth.
Vaccination is a simple way of preventing serious infectious disease.
For babies under 1 vaccination start at 8 weeks, then at 12 weeks and a further set at 16 weeks.
Visit the NHS Website for further information.
Many patients move out of our catchment area to study at university. As a student, you will be registered at a new GP practice on or near your university campus. You will no longer be registered at Foundry.
Are you home for the holidays and need medical attention? - see the section on 'Temporary Registration for out-of-area visitors'
Have you completed your course and now home for good? - see the section on 'How to Register at Foundry'
If you are a Refugee, asylum seeker, or refused asylum seeker you are welcome at Foundry. You can access GP services without charge, regardless of nationality and residential status.
To access our services you will need to register with us - see the section on 'How to Register at Foundry'
Please include any medical information you have, including your vaccination record.
Need help? Visit our practice and talk to our reception team. They will be happy to help you.