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Earlier in the year GPs in England voted overwhelmingly (98.3%) in favour of industrial action via their representative body - the British Medical Association (BMA). More details of the action being proposed by Practices is now emerging including putting on hold recruitment/replacement of vacant clinical roles until the funding position for General Practice in 2025 is made clear.
We at Foundry endorse the aims of the BMA action namely to draw the Public and Government’s attention to the mounting challenges facing General Practice and the urgent need for a new approach towards funding and support. We want to reassure patients however that whilst we support the principles, we will continue to do all we can to protect patient care and at this point we are not planning any action that will limit access to GP appointments.
The Foundry absorbed a 10% reduction in NHS funding during 2024/25 by cutting back office functions but we cannot continue to sustain this level of reduction without directly affecting patient care in the future. We therefore believe this action is necessary if we are to ensure a sustainable General Practice and GP workforce now and in the future.
If you want to hear more about the background to this, please follow this link below to a message from the BMA - GPs Are on Your Side: a message for patients in England | British Medical Association
We will keep patients informed of any proposed action or developments in this via our website and Patient Newsletters.
GPs in England today voted overwhelmingly (98.3%) in favour of industrial action via their representative body - the British Medical Association (BMA). The aim of any action is to draw the Government’s attention to the mounting challenges facing General Practice and the urgent need for a new approach towards funding and support if we are to ensure a sustainable General Practice and GP workforce now and in the future.
If you want to hear more about the background to this, please follow this link below to a message from the BMA GPs Are on Your Side: a message for patients in England | British Medical Association (
Foundry respects this outcome and endorses the aims of industrial action. However, at the same time, we want to reassure patients that in doing so we are not planning any action that will limit access to GP appointments. There are other BMA proposals relating to administrative tasks which do not affect direct patient care that Foundry would consider in the first instance.
We will however keep patients informed of any proposed action via our website and Patient Newsletters.
Like many people, the Practice was dismayed and disgusted to read reports of comments made by Frank Hester about Dianne Abbot, MP. It is our view that these comments are unequivocally racist and misogynist and have no place in in healthcare or society more generally.
Frank Hester is CEO of TPP, provider of the patient record system SystmOne which operates in 2,549 GP Practices across England and Wales, Foundry being one. We will be contacting TPP to formally complain and to request details of the steps they are taking as an organisation to ensure an inclusive, respectful organisation and to how they will make their action plans publicly available.