Prescriptions for Travel

Plan Well Ahead

Do you need more of your prescription medicine to cover your trip?

Please contact us two months before you travel. Let us know how long you’ll be away so we can make sure you have enough medicine for your entire trip.

Taking your prescriptions abroad provides information on how to prepare for travel when taking medication abroad.

Note: it is important to check what rules apply to your medication / medical devices with:

• The airline or travel firm you have booked to travel with

• The Embassy of the Country you are visiting

Sedatives for Flying

We will not prescribe sedatives if you have a fear of flying or want help sleeping during a flight.

Our GPs have made this decision for the following reasons:

Emergencies during the flight

Taking sedatives, such as Diazepam, will impair your ability to react in an emergency. This would put you and those around you at serious risk.

Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in a vein, usually in the leg. It has a higher chance of occurring on longer flights.

Sedatives, such as Diazepam, may result in you falling asleep on a flight. The lack of movement during sleep increases the risk of developing a blood clot. This can be dangerous and can even prove fatal.

See for further information about DVT.

It is against Prescribing Guidelines

The British National Formulary (BNF) is a resource used by GPs. It guides how they should prescribe medications.

The BNF states that the prescribing of sedatives, such as Diazepam, for phobias is not allowed.

If your GP were to disregard this guideline, they would be taking a legal risk.

Certain sedatives may have the opposite effect in some people

Most people will find the effects of sedatives, such as Diazepam, calming.

But a small number of people will experience the opposite effect. Showing symptoms such as:



Inability to withhold inappropriate or unwanted behaviours

Each of these could result in you posing a risk to yourself or other passengers. You may even face prosecution.


Certain sedatives are illegal in other countries

Controlled medications, like Diazepam, are illegal in many countries.

If you travel with your medication you may find it taken away. Leaving you without any for your return trip.

You may also find yourself in trouble with the local police.

Treatment for the fear of flying is not part of our General Practice Contract

Treatment for the fear of flying is not part of our General Medical Services. These services are set out in the General Practice Contract that we hold with the NHS. As such, we are not obliged to prescribe for this.

Where can you find help for your fear of flying?

Alternative Options

If after reading the above you still wish to request medication for your flight you can:

• Consult with a Private GP

• Contact a Travel Clinic

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